Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 21: Food Porn

It is for these reasons alone that I could never be anorexic. This is what I did this weekend... Feast your eyes.

Taco Soup:
I call this one Jenny From the Block, because it's got some kick and it's mostly fat free.

Portobello Mushroom Burger with Sauteed Onion and Avocado on a Wheat Bun:
I shall call it Britney Spears, because although it looks naughty, it's surprisingly good for you.

If you want recipes, I will be more than happy to share, you can email me at


  1. Yum! Those look great. Are you on an avocado kick? I love them!

  2. That is an understatement. It's like my life is "The Iron Chef America" and the key ingredient is always Avocado. Not really sure why, but I could eat them at every meal. It's getting ridiculous. But I guess it's better than french fries. :)

  3. Gurrrrl, me too. Can u send me both recipes?
